Severn Media – Who Are We?

Since updating our website over the summer we have had an influx of new customers and thought it would be helpful to set out in a blog post what we believe in and how we see ourselves. We have attempted to offer a few examples of our values in action as this is key to us. If after reading this post you still have questions please ask away in the comment section below, via our Facebook pageTwitter or email.

We are a small dedicated collective based in Bewdley, Worcestershire UK, along the banks of the River Severn who have been consistently delivering high quality web hosting solutions for several years. We previously traded as PhatProvider but felt our site needed refreshing with a new name, logo and website to meet the demands of the coming years. During our transition ALL our customers came along with us on the journey and their feedback has helped and continues to help shape our website and services offered.

What do we believe in – Our Values


The core belief of how our business was setup is that of honesty. Without it we believe that there is little hope of sustaining any creditable people orientated business and more importantly reflects on the values of the individuals in any business. Throughout all our relationships and interactions with people we value our honesty and integrity as the bedrock on which all our other values our built upon.

Some everyday examples of this can be seen in how we only offer services we can 100% deliver. We ensure all domains are registered in the name of the customer and not us, so ownership and control of the domain will always remain the customers. There will never be any surprises in the small print should people decide to swap to another provider.


People First – Customers Second

In today’s society it is easy to feel like a number or “just another customer” when interacting with service providers. We demonstrate both here internally and in our external interactions, that we see people first. It is important to us that we never lose sight of this and start thinking of people merely in terms of profit. Social media, for example, should be a community environment where relationships can be established and nurtured, yet sometimes it can feel that you are just being squeezed into somebody’s marketing funnel. We are genuinely interested in people and the diverse nature that we all are, we will never interact in a way that ignores or forgets this uniqueness in people.


Shared Prosperity

The old saying, a rising tide lifts all ships sums up nicely how we like to see the benefits to both parties in our business dealings. We believe that our services our very fairly priced and deliver a win/win outcome for both.

Services we have supplied have enabled several new online entrepreneurs to go from strength to strength and prosper in their marketplace at the same time we have been able to invest a proportion of our profits to support the work of several charities. This support has included offering free services to good causes something which we will always remain committed to. (Please contact us if you feel this support could be appropriate for you or your group’s aims)


Values in Action

Having this list of values on our website and on the office wall is all well and good but the real important test is if we put them into practice. At Severn Media we are committed to behaving at all times and in all our dealings with people in a way that reflects this list of values presented here.